I always seem to begin my blog posts with "it's been a long time since I updated"...so I won't do that now.
It's been a long and eventful space of time, though. I lost my full time job as a charge entry "specialist" due to a change of managerial direction. So, if anyone reading this needs an art job done (coloring, portraits, pen and ink, you name it!) just give me a
We just returned from a trip to PA, where we spent nearly a week with my family. It was a terrific time and it was great fun to catch up with everyone. I'm completely amazed at how my nephews and nieces have changed since last I saw them. Particularly my nephews. Wow. Catching up with everyone made me realize how blessed I am with the family that I have, and I miss every single one of them already.
Here's a little something to tide you over until my next update. It's the first two pages of a story I started (and abandoned). I created it, wrote it, penciled, inked, colored and lettered it...it was my baby. I might be tempted to revisit the story (with a lot of changes)...I dunno.